Yearly Archives :


Conception 350 288 Sarah Rutherford


Stress in relation to fertility Stress is a complex condition which can affect all parts of the body. There is evidence that it can affect fertility. Cortisol (a hormone released…

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Spring Offer – Come along and try a Taster Treatment 300 300 Sarah Rutherford

Spring Offer – Come along and try a Taster Treatment

Have you ever thought about trying Reflexology? Well now is the time to come and try it for yourself and discover the benefits. Come along and have a 20min relaxing…

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Funraising fun at Curves Gym In Devizes 250 189 Sarah Rutherford

Funraising fun at Curves Gym In Devizes

I was at Curves Gym in Devizes this week, giving 20 minute taster treatments. Apart from bringing the wonders of Reflexology to many of the members, I donated a proportion of…

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Latest Offer – Gift Vouchers for Mothering Sunday 800 394 Sarah Rutherford

Latest Offer – Gift Vouchers for Mothering Sunday

On Sunday 15th March how will you treat the lady that has made you the person you are? Why not treat them to a wonderful, relaxing, reflexology treatment. Or even better…

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Supporting People with Dementia 333 222 Sarah Rutherford

Supporting People with Dementia

Relatives often feel helpless as their loved one’s mental ability deteriorates and the disease progresses. Reflexology can be a powerful and therapeutic addition that can complement the healthcare they are…

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Sarah Rutehrford performing reflexology on feet
The Stressed Gut 300 450 Sarah Rutherford

The Stressed Gut

Constipation is one of the most common health problems affecting more than 20% of the adult population and women are twice as likely to suffer as men. To keep the…

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The Power of the Healing Mind during a Reflexology Session 400 400 Sarah Rutherford

The Power of the Healing Mind during a Reflexology Session

Reflexology can induce deep feelings of relaxation. This means that the subconscious part of the brain (the part that is engaged with the imagination, memory and emotion) is more engaged…

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Emotional Eating 720 480 Sarah Rutherford

Emotional Eating

  It think it is fair to say that most of us over indulge during the festive season, but why is it that some people over indulge all year round? Could…

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