Posts Tagged :


The Power of the Breath 250 189 Sarah Rutherford

The Power of the Breath

Apparently we take some 20,000 breaths a day, and many of us will be shallow breathing, using only our upper chest and not using our lungs to their full capacity.…

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PTSD: Resetting the Body through Reflexology 500 473 Sarah Rutherford

PTSD: Resetting the Body through Reflexology

  Everyday life experiences can create sustained stress. Daily and sustained stress disrupts physiological and energetic processes at a cellular level, leading to many health complaints. The main difference between…

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Don’t just wait for that summer holiday! 1024 681 Sarah Rutherford

Don’t just wait for that summer holiday!

Don’t wait until your summer holiday to de-stress and re-charge your batteries. Take action now and incorporate ways of reducing and managing your stress levels on a regular basis. Imagine…

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Supporting Clients With Anxiety And Low Mood 720 480 Sarah Rutherford

Supporting Clients With Anxiety And Low Mood

The amount of people living in the UK with mental health problems is unfortunately continuing to grow(1). The problem is exacerbated because mental health issues are not as well understood…

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